Guests of honor at the 50th anniversary of Incomindios
Indigenous guests of honor
Francisco Calí Tzay, UN-Special Rapporteur for the Rights of Ondigenous Peoples, Maya (Guatemala)
Ron Lameman, President IITC, Treaty Bilateral Advisor CONFEDERACY OF TREATY No.6 NATIONS, Cree (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Kenneth Deer, member of the Haudenosaunee external relationship committee, Bear Clan Mohawk (Québec, Canada)
Sharon Venne, lawyer, Treaty No. 6, Cree (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Mitch Walking Elk, singer-songwriter, youth councelloer, educator, AIM activist, Cheyenne-Arapaho-Hopi (USA)
Ron Barnes, representative of the Elders of Tutunak, Yupik, (Alaska, USA)
Sandra Ceballos, indigenous women's lawyer, Kolla (Argentina)
Routh Bolomet, descendant of King Kamehameha I via his eldest son, Prince Kahoa'noku Kina'u, and King Kamehameha III via his queen, Queen H. Kalama (Hawaii, USA)
Leon Siu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Hawaii (USA)
Karmen Ramirez Boscán, member of Parliament Colombia, Wayuu (Colombia)
María Violet Medina, human rights activist, Nasa (Colombia)
Carlos Gualtero, human rights activist, Pijao (Colombia)
Jackie Hookimaw Witt, sociologist (Phd) and restaurateur, Cree (Attawapiskat, Canada)
Founding members and guests of honour
Heinz Lippuner and Peter R. Gerber, founding members Incomindios
Balthasar Glättli, National Councillor, GRÜNE Switzerland, member of Incomindios
Dagmar Brendel-Loubier, actress and member of Incomindios